User Profile: zorg2000k

zorg2000k Strike! Back - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Strike! Back - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k The Official Unofficial BABYS Album - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k The Official Unofficial BABYS Album - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k The Official Unofficial BABYS Album - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Planet Claire - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Planet Claire - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Planet Claire - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Sundowners - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Sundowners - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Sundowners - Album Sub Genre [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Sundowners - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Solas - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Solas - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Solas - Album Sub Genre [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Solas - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Revival - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Revival - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Revival - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Raise a Little Hell - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Raise a Little Hell - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Raise a Little Hell - Album Sub Genre [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Raise a Little Hell - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k No Matter How Far - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k No Matter How Far - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k No Matter How Far - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Forevermore - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Forevermore - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Forevermore - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Mariposa De Oro - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Mariposa De Oro - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Mariposa De Oro - Album Sub Genre [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Mariposa De Oro - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Headkeeper - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Headkeeper - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Headkeeper - Album Sub Genre [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Headkeeper - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Out of the Silence - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Out of the Silence - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Out of the Silence - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Calm Before the Storm 2 - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Calm Before the Storm 2 - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Calm Before the Storm 2 - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Beneath the Shining Water - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Beneath the Shining Water - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Beneath the Shining Water - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Arc of the Dawn - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Arc of the Dawn - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Arc of the Dawn - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Belief - Album Review [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Belief - Album Description [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Belief - Album Score [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Randy Crawford- Artist Logo [1 month ago]
zorg2000k Take Me Away - Album New [2 months ago]
zorg2000k Somewhere Far Beyond Revisited - Album Review [2 months ago]
zorg2000k Somewhere Far Beyond Revisited - Album Description [2 months ago]
zorg2000k Somewhere Far Beyond Revisited - Album Score [2 months ago]
zorg2000k I've Tried Everything But Therapy (Part 1) - Album Score [4 months ago]
zorg2000k Psychedelic Shack - Album Score [5 months ago]
zorg2000k Silver Convent - Album Score [5 months ago]
zorg2000k Replicas: The First Recordings - Album Review [5 months ago]
zorg2000k Replicas: The First Recordings - Album Description [5 months ago]
zorg2000k Replicas: The First Recordings - Album Sub Genre [5 months ago]
zorg2000k Replicas: The First Recordings - Album Score [5 months ago]
zorg2000k Koss - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Koss - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Koss - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Koss - Album Style [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Koss - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Koss - Album New [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Starcatcher - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Between Us - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Between Us - Album New [1 year ago]
zorg2000k folklore - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Speak Now (Taylor's version) - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k The Ballad of Darren - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k The Ballad of Darren - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k The Ballad of Darren - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k The Ballad of Darren - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k The Seduction of Claude Debussy - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Midnights - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k = - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Stakes Is High - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Buhloone Mindstate - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Art Official Intelligence: Mosaic Thump - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k De La Soul Is Dead - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Cracker Island - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k From the New World - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k From the New World - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k From the New World - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k From the New World - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Voodoo Nation - Album Cover [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Voodoo Nation - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Voodoo Nation - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Voodoo Nation - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Voodoo Nation - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Voodoo Nation - Album New [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Day-Glo (Based on a True Story) - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Day-Glo (Based on a True Story) - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Day-Glo (Based on a True Story) - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Day-Glo (Based on a True Story) - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k How to Be a Person Like Other People - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Against the Odds: 1974–1982 - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Queen Radio: Volume 1 - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k NUT - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k LEGEND - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Give Me the Future - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Give Me the Future - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Give Me the Future - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Give Me the Future - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Will of the People - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Creedence Clearwater Revival at the Royal Albert Hall (April 14, 1970) - Album Cover Back [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Creedence Clearwater Revival at the Royal Albert Hall (April 14, 1970) - Album Cover [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Creedence Clearwater Revival at the Royal Albert Hall (April 14, 1970) - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Creedence Clearwater Revival at the Royal Albert Hall (April 14, 1970) - Album New [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Essential - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Essential - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Essential - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Essential - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Essential - Album Cover [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Essential - Album New [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Dialogue - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Dialogue - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Dialogue - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Dialogue - Album Cover [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Dialogue - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Dialogue - Album New [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Gold Rush Kid - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k God's Work - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k God's Work - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k God's Work - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k God's Work - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Quo'ing In – The Best Of The Noughties - Album Cover [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Quo'ing In – The Best Of The Noughties - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Quo'ing In – The Best Of The Noughties - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Quo'ing In – The Best Of The Noughties - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Quo'ing In – The Best Of The Noughties - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Quo'ing In – The Best Of The Noughties - Album New [1 year ago]
zorg2000k The New Victoria - Album Review [1 year ago]
zorg2000k The New Victoria - Album Description [1 year ago]
zorg2000k The New Victoria - Album Sub Genre [1 year ago]
zorg2000k The New Victoria - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k The New Victoria - Album New [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Patient Number 9 - Album Score [1 year ago]
zorg2000k Free All Angels - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of EMF: Epsom Mad Funkers - Album New [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Souvenirs - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Alchemist's Euphoria - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Motorheart - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Leap - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Leap - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Leap - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Leap - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Freedom - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Freedom - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Freedom - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Freedom - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k RENAISSANCE - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k C'mon You Know - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Chaos in Bloom - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Power of Love: The Best of Jennifer Rush - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Power of Love: The Best of Jennifer Rush - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Power of Love: The Best of Jennifer Rush - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Endless River - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Ruby - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Ruby - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Ruby - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k And Still I Rise - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Meet the Moonlight - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Billion Dollar Babies - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Chicago VII - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Sounds That Can't Be Made - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k To Lose My Life... - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Ritual - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Five - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k As I Try Not To Fall Apart - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k As I Try Not To Fall Apart - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k As I Try Not To Fall Apart - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Everything I Didn't Say - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Dreams (Joy Division Orchestrated) - Album Cover [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Dreams (Joy Division Orchestrated) - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Dreams (Joy Division Orchestrated) - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Dreams (Joy Division Orchestrated) - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Dreams (Joy Division Orchestrated) - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Dreams (Joy Division Orchestrated) - Album New [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Time After Time: The Best Of - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k True Colors - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Lexicon of Love - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Trans - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k the storm before the calm - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k the storm before the calm - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k the storm before the calm - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k the storm before the calm - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Journey - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Journey - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Journey - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Journey - Album Style [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Journey - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Journey - Album New [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Let's Say for Instance - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k *Happiness Not Included - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k *Happiness Not Included - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k *Happiness Not Included - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k *Happiness Not Included - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Dance Fever - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Amy Winehouse at the BBC - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Lioness: Hidden Treasures - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Popular Favorites: Sand in the Vaseline - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k The Tipping Point - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k It'll All Make Sense in the End - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k It'll All Make Sense in the End - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k It'll All Make Sense in the End - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k It'll All Make Sense in the End - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k KID A MNESIA - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k KID A MNESIA - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k KID A MNESIA - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k KID A MNESIA - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Thank You - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Thank You - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Thank You - Album Sub Genre [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Thank You - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Love Sux - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Going for Gold - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Truth Be Told - Album Review [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Truth Be Told - Album Description [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Truth Be Told - Album Score [2 years ago]
zorg2000k Mahalia Jackson- Artist Fanart4 [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Edvin Marton- Artist Fanart4 [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Elvis Crespo- Artist Fanart4 [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Gruff Rhys- Artist Fanart4 [3 years ago]
zorg2000k NOFX- Artist Fanart4 [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Prefuse 73- Artist Fanart4 [3 years ago]
zorg2000k New Order- Artist Fanart4 [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Pete Murray- Artist Fanart4 [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Band- Artist Fanart4 [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Power of Love: The Best of Jennifer Rush - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Power of Love: The Best of Jennifer Rush - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Seventeen Going Under - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Madame X: Music From the Theater Xperience - Album Cover [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Madame X: Music From the Theater Xperience - Album Review [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Madame X: Music From the Theater Xperience - Album Description [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Madame X: Music From the Theater Xperience - Album Sub Genre [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Madame X: Music From the Theater Xperience - Album Style [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Madame X: Music From the Theater Xperience - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Madame X: Music From the Theater Xperience - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Greatest Hits: The Show Dog Years - Album Cover [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Greatest Hits: The Show Dog Years - Album Review [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Greatest Hits: The Show Dog Years - Album Description [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Greatest Hits: The Show Dog Years - Album Sub Genre [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Greatest Hits: The Show Dog Years - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Greatest Hits: The Show Dog Years - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Really Saying Something: The Best of Fun Boy Three - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Really Saying Something: The Best of Fun Boy Three - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Modern Talking - Album Review [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Modern Talking - Album Description [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Modern Talking - Album Sub Genre [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Modern Talking - Album Style [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Modern Talking - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Modern Talking - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of the T.K. Years (1975-1985) - Album Cover Back [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of the T.K. Years (1975-1985) - Album Cover [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Jimmy “Bo” Horne- Artist Logo [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of the T.K. Years (1975-1985) - Album Sub Genre [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of the T.K. Years (1975-1985) - Album Style [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of the T.K. Years (1975-1985) - Album Review [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of the T.K. Years (1975-1985) - Album Description [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of the T.K. Years (1975-1985) - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of the T.K. Years (1975-1985) - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of... So Far - Album Review [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of... So Far - Album Description [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of... So Far - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k KISSWORLD: The Best of KISS - Album Review [3 years ago]
zorg2000k KISSWORLD: The Best of KISS - Album Description [3 years ago]
zorg2000k KISSWORLD: The Best of KISS - Album Sub Genre [3 years ago]
zorg2000k KISSWORLD: The Best of KISS - Album Style [3 years ago]
zorg2000k KISSWORLD: The Best of KISS - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k KISSWORLD: The Best of KISS - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Dance, Dance, Dance: The Best of Chic - Album Review [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Dance, Dance, Dance: The Best of Chic - Album Description [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Dance, Dance, Dance: The Best of Chic - Album Sub Genre [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Dance, Dance, Dance: The Best of Chic - Album Style [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Dance, Dance, Dance: The Best of Chic - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Dance, Dance, Dance: The Best of Chic - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Reasons to Be Cheerful: The Best of Ian Dury - Album Review [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Reasons to Be Cheerful: The Best of Ian Dury - Album Description [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Reasons to Be Cheerful: The Best of Ian Dury - Album Sub Genre [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Reasons to Be Cheerful: The Best of Ian Dury - Album Style [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Reasons to Be Cheerful: The Best of Ian Dury - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Reasons to Be Cheerful: The Best of Ian Dury - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Roy Orbison - Album Review [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Roy Orbison - Album Description [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Roy Orbison - Album Sub Genre [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Roy Orbison - Album Style [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Roy Orbison - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Very Best of Roy Orbison - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Full House: The Very Best of Madness - Album Score [3 years ago]
zorg2000k Full House: The Very Best of Madness - Album New [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of Elbow - Album Review [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of Elbow - Album Description [3 years ago]
zorg2000k The Best of Elbow - Album Sub Genre [3 years ago]
Total Edits: 25,964
Total Loves: 1
Total Album Scores: 3,664
Total Track Scores: 0