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First Released

Calendar Icon 2011


Genre Icon Soul


Mood Icon In Love


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Slow

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Speed Icon XL Recordings

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Sales Icon 26,000,000 copies

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Druga płyta to już świadectwo scenicznej i autorskiej dojrzałości Adele. Otwierający "21" utwór "Rolling In The Deep" definiuje - sięgając do tradycji bluesa oraz hymnów gospel - nastrój i styl całego krążka. Wokalistka słusznie rezygnuje z eklektyzmu "19". Śmielej, z większą pewnością swego głosu i talentu odwołuje się do wielkiej tradycji bluesa z Południa ("Rumour Has It"), klasycznego soulu ("Don't You Remember", "I'll Be Waiting", "One And Only") i - takie można odnieść wrażenie - do schedy po wybitnych białych artystkach sprzed pół wieku: Dusty Springfield ("Set Fire To The Rain") i Janis Joplin ("Take It All"). Album okraszony jest urokliwymi balladami, jak "Turning Tables", "Lovesong" (z repertuaru The Cure) oraz wspomniana już piosenka "Take It All". Jako bonusy dołączone zostały dwa country'owe, poddane przewrotnej archaizacji covery: "If It Hadn't Been For Love" (z repertuaru współczesnej formacji Steeldrivers z Nashville) i "Hiding My Heart" (autorstwa młodej pieśniarki ze stanu Washington, Brandi Carlile). Producentami płyty byli Paul Epson (Bloc Party, Plan B, Florence And The Machine) oraz legendarny Rick Rubin (Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tom Petty, Johnny Cash, Gogol Bordello).Rzadko tak młodym artystkom jak Adele nadaje się tytuł diwy. Dzięki albumowi "21" przekonujemy się, że wokalistka w pełni na ten zaszczyt zasługuje. Wystarczy posłuchać choćby tylko utworu "Rolling In The Deep", by ulec urokowi jej pięknego, mocnego głosu i magicznej interpretacji.
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User Album Review
One of the few real beneficiaries of The X Factor effect – her version of Dylan’s Make You Feel My Love has been darting about the top 40 since the audition rounds, showing more staying power than poor Joe McElderry’s last two singles combined – Adele’s stock has risen significantly since becoming the first recipient of the Brits Critics’ Choice award. Since then she’s picked up Grammys and broken the States as a bonus, so the pressure was clearly on for her next move to deliver big. And, oh my, with 21 doesn’t she just.
The last few years have seen those who started strongly become mightily unstuck on their sophomore efforts. For every Lily Allen there’s been a Kate Nash or a Duffy – the latter’s comeback, Endlessly, seems to have fallen on significantly fewer ears than the 2.8 million who liked her debut – so it’s a treat to hear that no such problems beset 21. It really is so marvellous, you’re almost compelled to stand up and applaud it after the first listen.
With a top-notch production team behind the album, including Rick Rubin and Paul Epworth, every track is a highlight. Current single, Rolling in the Deep, is a modern soul stomper about an errant ex; the literally banging Rumour Has It channels the avenging rock‘n’roll soul of Wanda Jackson; there’s a fine, mellow, acoustic bossa nova-y take on The Cure’s Lovesong. Don’t You Remember is a classically styled ballad, which feels like the sort of tune you’ve known all your life – many are certain to bawl along to it the next time their hearts are broken; and the blues-bruised I’ll Be Waiting could’ve come from any Willie Mitchell-produced southern soul session. Final track Someone Like You, just voice and piano, is an actual thing of beauty, placing the listener in one of those moments where you feel you’re in the presence of a future standard. You can imagine it being both honked through by talent show contestants and transcended by veterans alike.
21 is simply stunning. After only a handful of plays, it feels like you’ve always known it. It will see Adele become an even greater award magnet come the end of the year, leaving her contemporaries for dust. Genuinely brilliant.

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