Album Title
Balcon sans princesse
Artist Icon Laisse-moi (le temps) (2023)
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Track List
01) Laisse-moi (le temps) Flame icon

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Back Cover
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First Released

Calendar Icon 2023


Genre Icon Indie Pop


Mood Icon Energetic


Style Icon Rock/Pop


Theme Icon In Love


Speed Icon Fast

Release Format

Release Format Icon Single

Record Label Release

Speed Icon [no label]

World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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"Laisse-moi (le temps)" is a love song tinged with insecurity, expressing the feeling of being unable to speak to a potential romantic interest.

The verses describe this helplessness and the desire to take the time to find the right words. The choruses illustrate admiration for the person's attractive features, be they their voice or their eyes. As for the bridge, it imagines a happy future between the two characters.

The melody is inspired by Quebec artists such as Les Trois Accords and Klô Pelgag. The energetic rhythm remains hopeful despite the introspective, doubt-filled lyrics.
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