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The Miracle (1989)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1989


Genre Icon Rock


Mood Icon Rousing


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Medium

Release Format

Release Format Icon Single

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Speed Icon EMI

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Album Description
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"The Miracle" is the fifth and final single from Queen's 1989 studio album of the same name. It was composed by the entire band, though Freddie Mercury and John Deacon were the main writers. It was released as a single in late November 1989, some six months after the album. It was the last of the singles from that album to be released, and the first 5th single released from any of Queen's albums from EMI.

The sleeve artwork for the single uses the album's artwork inverted with a hologram-like fashion. The B-side of the single is a live version of the song "Stone Cold Crazy", which can be found along with "My Melancholy Blues" from the album News Of The World.

The idea for the song came from Freddie Mercury and John Deacon, who wrote the basic chord structure for the song. All four contributed to the lyrics and musical ideas, and the song was still credited to the entire band because they had agreed to do so during the album recording, regardless of who had been the actual writer. While both Mercury and May regarded this as one of their favourites, Taylor said in the audio commentary of Greatest Video Hits II that although it was not a favourite of his, he respected it as "an incredibly complex track".

The song describes several of "God's creations, great and small", such as great buildings like the Taj Mahal and the Tower of Babel, all described as "miracles" in the song, yet the one miracle "we're all waiting for" is "peace on Earth and an end to war." The song also references such well-known figures as Captain Cook, Cain and Abel, and Jimi Hendrix.
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