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The Invisible Man (1989)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Rock


Mood Icon Rousing


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format Icon Single

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Speed Icon EMI

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Album Description
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"The Invisible Man" is a song by the British rock band Queen, written by drummer Roger Taylor but credited to Queen. The song is sung mostly by Freddie Mercury, with vocal contributions from Taylor. Originally released on the album The Miracle, it was released as a single in 1989. Taylor claims that he got the inspiration to create the song while reading a book (possibly the book of the same name), and the bassline instantly came to his imagination. This song marks the only time in any of Queen's songs that all four band members names are mentioned in the lyrics. The first being Freddie Mercury, followed by John Deacon. Brian May's name is then said twice (just before his guitar solo starts), and while saying "Roger Taylor", the first "r" is rolled to emulate the drums at the end of the verse. Freddie Mercury's name is said by drummer Roger Taylor, and the other ones by the lead singer Freddie Mercury.
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