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The Cardigans

Long Gone Before Daylight (2003)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Alternative Rock


Mood Icon Intimate


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon MCA Records

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Long Gone Before Daylight is the fifth studio album by The Cardigans. After a long hiatus from their last album in 1998 (with members of the band experimenting with other projects), it was finally released in Japan on 19 March 2003 and in Europe on 24 March 2003. Later it was also released in Canada (April 22, 2003) and North America (May 25, 2004).
The album differs from the band's earlier works. Their familiar "happy" pop sound takes on a change to pop songs with more of an American country music influence. It is relatively a much darker album than their previous works, and more quiet than the noisier Gran Turismo. Indeed, even lead singer Nina Persson dyed her once light blonde hair to jet black, reflecting the band's change of mood.
Criticism was generally mixed to positive. Some found the change of direction welcome, and felt the band had matured, making songs that were even better than other experienced country-pop styled artists. Others missed the old pop sound, and accused the band of possibly being ashamed of their former "happy" pop sound.
The first single of the album, "For What It's Worth" was released on 17 February 2003. The second single was "You're the Storm" released on 2 June 2003. The third and final single was "Live and Learn" released on 3 December 2003.
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User Album Review
Nina Persson is very sad. She must be, because on Long Gone Before Daylight she's written 11 (13 if you've got the bonus tracks) of the most melancholy songs ever penned by a Cardigan. And it's a real shame.
To map The Cardigans route to success, they appeared in the early 90s from the Swedish fringes. They had their own quirky take on modern life, like being too dopey in the morning to remember where you've put your mug of coffee, and how this affects your whole day. Their notable ability to find the perfect place for a bassoon solo also made them stand out from the crowd.
Then they accidentally wrote one of the catchiest tunes in rock, "Lovefool", which, with its blend of ironic humour and desperation, landed them in the spotlight. Getting a taste for this commercial success, they went on to produce the poppy, rocky Gran Turismo which brought us that twanging guitar riff, in "Favourite Game", and stories of defiant mind changing.
If Long Gone Before Daylight demonstrates the Cardigans wanting to become more mainstream and commercial, it's not a good thing. Whilst the first two tracks are pretty upbeat, the lyrics throughout are not. The timely "You're The Storm" has Nina talking of being a country that needs conquering. Promising, perhaps, if not a little clichéd, but once the production has thinned out any kind of drama or aggression that could have existed in the chorus, it becomes a damp squib.
There are some lovely moments of instrumentation, like the opening fairground organ of "And Then You Kissed Me", and when Nina sings 'You hit me, really hard' you can feel it.
"Feathers And Down" is also a really well crafted and quite gorgeous song, but overall I think this is an album to listen to when you've had your heart broken. Otherwise, the poor me-ness of the situation can be a bit too much to bear. Perhaps I'm being mean, but a stronger range of emotions could have produced a wider range of dynamics and instrumentation. The Cardigans do hurt very well, but they can also do joy, anger and sarcasm. And I miss them.

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