Album Title

Level 42

True Colours (1984)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Pop-Rock


Mood Icon Passionate


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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True Colours is the fifth studio album by the British musical group Level 42, released in 1984. Beyond the band's native United Kingdom, the album was released 10-plus other countries, including Japan, Germany and United States of America. The album charted #14 in the UK album charts.
The first single released, "Hot Water", was the first Level 42 single to entered the Billboard Hot 100, at #87. "Hot Water" hit #18 on the UK single charts, #7 in Belgium and #3 in Holland, and has become a standard piece in Level 42's live sets to the present day. The second single "The Chant Has Begun", released in many countries including the United States of America, peaked at #41 in the UK single charts.
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