Album Title

Level 42

Standing in the Light (1983)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Pop-Rock


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Album Description
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Standing in the Light is the fourth studio album released by the British jazz-funk band Level 42. The album, released in 1983, generated the group's first top 10 in the UK album charts, peaking in #9. The album was well received by critics and fans.
“ I liked this album very much and will not reduce its validity with excessive praise or multiple adjectives. I would, however, strongly recommend that you at least give it the benefit of your considered opinion. ”
-Rating 9 by BK Blues & Soul No.391 - October 1983 from Undercover
The album is released in many countries beyond the United Kingdom, had released in Greece, Germany (peaked in #27 on charts), Sweden (peaked in #25 on charts) Japan, Canada, United States and Middle East.
The first single, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind", was released only in the United Kingdom prior to album release and ranked #41 on the United Kingdom charts. For the album version the song was remixed and a new lead vocal recorded. The second single "The Sun Goes Down (Living it Up)" was released in the United Kingdom, Oceania and other parts Europe and America and gave the group its first top 10 in the United Kingdom. The third single "Micro Kid" peaked at #37 on the United Kingdom single charts.
The album was released again in 2000 with bonus tracks in a 2-CD compilation with the album "The Pursuit of Accidents" in the United Kingdom by the label Polydor.
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