Album Title

The Smashing Pumpkins

Adore (1998)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1998


Genre Icon Alternative Rock


Mood Icon Excitable


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Medium

Release Format

Release Format Icon Album

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Speed Icon Virgin

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Sales Icon 0 copies

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Adore is the fourth album by American alternative rock band The Smashing Pumpkins, released in June 1998 by Virgin Records. After the multi-platinum success of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness and a subsequent yearlong world tour, follow-up Adore was considered "one of the most anticipated albums of 1998" by MTV. Recording the album proved to be a challenge as the band members struggled with lingering interpersonal problems and musical uncertainty in the wake of three increasingly successful rock albums and the departure of drummer Jimmy Chamberlin. Frontman Billy Corgan would later characterize Adore as "a band falling apart".

The result was a much more subdued and electronica-tinged sound that Greg Kot of Rolling Stone magazine called "a complete break with the past". The album divided the fan base and sold only a fraction of the previous two albums. However, the album was well received by critics, and became the third straight Pumpkins album to be nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Performance. After a brief tour, Chamberlin rejoined the band and work began on a new album, Machina/The Machines of God.
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