Album Title

Guns N' Roses

"The Spaghetti Incident?" (1993)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 1993


Genre Icon Hard Rock


Mood Icon Epic


Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Medium

Release Format

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Speed Icon Geffen Records

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Sales Icon 0 copies

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"The Spaghetti Incident?" is the fifth studio album by the American hard rock band Guns N' Roses. The album comprises covers of older punk rock and hard rock songs, and is the last to feature guitarist Slash, bassist Duff McKagan and drummer Matt Sorum. "The Spaghetti Incident?" is the only studio album to feature rhythm guitarist Gilby Clarke.

Many of the tracks were recorded with original Guns N' Roses guitarist Izzy Stradlin during the Use Your Illusion I and II sessions and then were later re-recorded with Gilby Clarke. Those tracks were previously intended to be included in a combined Use Your Illusion album, consisting of three (or possibly even four) discs, instead of the two separate discs they ended up being.

In 1992, the band prepared to release the leftover cover tracks as an EP, with Gilby Clarke replacing Stradlin's guitar tracks. They later decided on making the album a full release and recorded several more tracks for it. Bassist Duff McKagan sings on many of the album's tracks and Hanoi Rocks frontman Michael Monroe appears on "Ain't It Fun" as a guest vocalist. This was the last Guns N' Roses album to feature lead guitarist Slash, bassist Duff McKagan, drummer Matt Sorum, and the only album to feature Gilby Clarke. It was also the band's last studio album until 15 years later with Chinese Democracy, and its last album until the live compilation album six years later with Live Era: '87-'93.

During studio sessions the band recorded a cover of "A Beer And A Cigarette" from Hanoi Rocks but the song never came out.

On the bottom of the cover art of the album, there is a code written with the Zodiac Killer's symbols, which has been deciphered as "fuck'em all".
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