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Mugshot is a masterpiece that intertwines reflection and advice in a unique way. The track "Mugshot" serve as mirrors to our inner selves, prompting us to reflect on our experiences and emotions. Through thoughtful lyrics and soulful melodies, like a musical mentor leading the way.

When it comes to the new release, Mugshot on the album HISENSE, corners three different patterns with same dispensation and each lyrics having its own story. With the first verse showing reflection and remembrance and how things should be left behind with the hope of “Better things unfolding”.

Onto the second verse, the beat and the lyrics tense up with emotions like anger and agitation which sets out warnings in the conversational verse, warning likes "please don’t play me that’s risky" or "I won’t spare him, if he cross my parts his mistake".

Still on the second verse the artist dives in more to let the listener, understand what brought up the agitation and anger with personal experiences from his younger years, which lessons where learned from and how some things can’t be avoided in life.

With third verse wheeling in, the artist becomes more of an adviser with the lyrics he tells his listener to “face it”, “solve it”, “do it”, “make it”, “don’t be lazy“ with rhythmic flows. The artist also goes on to let’s his listeners understand that if you must do something, it has to come with benefit. “what’s the use, thugin yet you got no funds”.

Finally Socket lyrics on Mugshot tells his listeners to believe in themselves.

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Street Life

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Socket Entertainment

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Socket Entertainment


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