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Eric Prydz



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Munkowitz has been an Eric Prydz fan for years and years, dating back to the marathon sessions at Winter Music Conference where he could be found soaking in the bliss of Prydz’s never-ending hit list. So it was a dream collaboration when Virgin Records reached out to Munko to produce a promo for his new release, ‘Generate’ - a deeply evocative piece of music that was begging for a visual representation as intoxicating as it was.

Munko immediately tapped his SF Genius Crew to collaborate with; familiar names like Dr Joseph Picard, Conor Grebel, Mike Williams and Alexander Green from the amazing Symmetry Labs. It was the team’s primary intention to develop this music video clip into a hypnotic visual tapestry that married the vibrant beauty of the song with intensely dreamlike visuals, generating an electric, powerful energy that captures the essence of the song.

The word “Generate” is synonymous with one powerful idea: Energy. Inherent in the word’s meaning is the concept of production - to generate is to create, to provoke, to spark. To give life to something where there was nothing. It’s the quiet pulse of a single soundwave building upon itself until it becomes a giant wall of resonance; or a single pinprick of light getting brighter and brighter until it blooms in a blinding, all-encompassing glow.

This film is a surreal journey of generative transformation through light and sound. As the song builds upon itself, gathering steam as it progresses and becoming more and more highly charged, so too do the visuals build, playing the edge of perception, illumination, and the life-force energy of the music’s throbbing pulse.

File Hashes
HASH1: E70DF1F2A8FD5300 HASH2: CC307F5F48BA9694 (MP3)






Music Video
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Video Director
Bradley G Munkowitz

Video Production Company
Virgin Records


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