Track DescriptionAvailable in:
"Invalid Litter Dept." was the third single released from At the Drive-In's album Relationship of Command. The CD release in March 2001 came in a variety of international formats, including the standard two CDs in the United Kingdom. The Australian release included the United Kingdom b-sides from the two CD releases.
The song's lyrics and music video deal with the Juárez murders, a series of rapes and murders in Cd. Juárez of young women who worked in factories called maquiladoras. Cd. Juárez is located just across the U.S.-Mexican border from El Paso, Texas, ATDI's home town. The song explicitly criticizes the federales, or Mexican police, for their lack of response to these cases.
"Lamacq version" tracks originally broadcast on BBC Radio 1's The Evening Session with Steve Lamacq, week beginning 11 September 2000, and produced/mixed by Simon Askew.
File Hashes
HASH1: 9089CD8105190033

HASH2: E9EB416B3F2A7D99