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"Heaven for the Weather" was the third single from The Streets' 2008 album Everything Is Borrowed. It peaked #145 on the UK Single Chart. An accompanying music video was directed by Nez.
"Always a natural performer in videos, Mike Skinner is now working outside his cheeky chap and drug-fuelled lad about town comfort-zone. After playing the doting under-pressure family man in Rozan & Schmeltz's Everything Is Borrowed video, here's further evidence of increased range, courtesy of Nez's video for Heaven For The Weather: the motivational life-guru. The idea is based on one of his favourite subjects, self-help guides, and Nez nails the milieu. Shot at the Mermaid Theatre Conference and Events Centre in Central London, Mike makes a convincing, charismatic, slightly creepy life coach - backed up with the characteristic new age visuals, nonsense graphs and added viddy-wierdness. However his message is decidedly untypical of the genre: it makes sense. Maybe Mike should turn his hand to proper drama. He'd be a better rapper-turned-actor than LL Cool J, surely.
File Hashes
HASH1: E63318D5FC939751
