There seem to be 2 Als, and it is the one with the funny character that contains the right information. Additionally, this makes it impossible to use the API to look up the information because I don't know what the character is.
Please could this be fixed so that I can use the API to load my Weird Al collection into Kodi.
👍 zag
Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:39
pjr Posts: 6 Joined: 2020-08-18
Additional information: If I manage to force the use of the correct track by using the URL then the artist field is filled in simply as "\". Maybe that helps.
I would like to repeat that the problem appears for many (if not all) tracks.
Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:04
pjr Posts: 6 Joined: 2020-08-18
So we are making progress - the filename can now match the artist as "Weird Al" Yankovic and find Amish Paradise and load it into the database, but in Musicvideos>Artists I then find an artist called \ containg the album and video, so the name is corrected at one level, but not at the other, (or is it the scraper than needs correcting for filenames (or artists) starting with "?).
Posted: 24 Aug 2020 21:47
zag Posts: 258 Joined: 2020-07-14
Maybe just try with a new library as I think Kodi does some special things matching the artist from the music DB with the Mvid db