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Isabel Alvarez Azkune (San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa) is a Spanish soprano and an expert in the interpretation and research of Baroque music in Spain. She recovered and reinterpreted old music and the Basque musical repertoire.
She studied singing and acting with Rita Streich and D. Bulter-Marel at the Folkwanghochule in Essen (Germany). After completing her studies, she moved to Milan to study with Carla Castellani. She completed her training with specialization courses with Lucía Mewsen, Marius van Altena, Alfredo Kraus and Esperanza Abad.
She is very active in the world of opera, especially in the baroque repertoire with which she performs in theaters such as the Baraccano in Bologna, Vittorio Emmanuele in Messina, the Arriaga in Bilbao or the Bordeaux Opera, Malibrán in Venice, Carignano in Turin and La Scala in Milan.
She has performed in various international festivals such as the Festival of Granada, the Canary Islands, Guanajuato, Budapest, Antwerp, Liège, San Sebastián, Paris, Santander, Utrecht, and in halls and prestigious auditoriums such as the Nacional de Música de Madrid, Auditorio de Zaragoza, Concertgebouw -Amsterdam, Châtelet in París, Konzerthaus-Vienna, Auditori-Barcelona, Schloss Eggenberg-Graz, Steinway Hall and Metropolitan Museum in New York , Pushkin Museum in Moscow, Royal Theater in Madrid or Alfredo Kraus Auditorium and Pérez Galdós Theater in Las Palmas.
She has collaborated with early music groups such as Hespèrion XX, La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Al Ayre Español, Axivil Capilla, El Concierto Español, Accentus-Vienna, La Colombina, Sour Cream, Europa Galante, La Capilla Real de Las Palmas , The Chapel of Peñaflorida. She has worked with Jordi Savall, E. López Banzo, Gabriel Garrido, Kees Boecke and Fabio Biondi.
In addition to her lyrical facet, she develops and promotes different musical projects, for which she is responsible for the repertoire such as Beau Soir, with Iñaki Salvador and Andreas Prittwitz, in which 12 classic songs are performed with a jazzy air. This proposal has not only been presented in joint theaters, but also in reference jazz venues such as the Café Central in Madrid. Along the same lines, she is developing other projects such as “Regard sur le siècle d'or”.
Director and founder of the group Magios Ensamble with which she interprets, among many others, a Sephardic repertoire recovered in a research work entitled: "Sefarad and Canarian ballads". The group is made up of Isabel Álvarez, Carlos Oramas on guitars, Andreas Prittwitz on wind instruments and the timple player José Antonio Ramos, Juan Carlos de Mulder and Vicent Brui Soler.The program has been presented in different places in Spain and in abroad. Under the direction of Isabel Álvarez, the Ensemble has carried out various projects, including the revival of an 18th century opera by G.B. Martini, entitled "El empresario de las Canarias", world premiere in Spain and "El Carnaval del Conde", a show with 18th century Spanish music and texts by the enlightened Count of Peñaflorida, commissioned by the Musikaste festival (Basque Country).
She receives other commissions from various festivals to carry out specific programs, such as a concert of unpublished music by the Maestros de Capilla from the Archives of Aránzazu for the Sajazarra-La Rioja Festival, or a show of songs from the 17th to the 19th century on the wine, entitled "La vintage de Baco", with the dancer Jep Menéndez, for the Festival of Bolzano-Italy in 2011 or "D. Juan" in 2013. She also prepared the staging of a lyrical farce with the motif of the 250th anniversary of the creation of the Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country, with texts by the Count of Peñaflorida.
In addition to her facet as a singer and musical researcher, throughout her professional life she developed seminars and musical training courses for other singers who began with the creation, with Antxon Ayestarán, then director of the Orfeón Donostiarra, of the "Escuela de Canto" of the Orfeón Donostiarra of which she was director until 1986. Artists such as Maite Arruabarrena emerged from the school. She has trained singers in vocal technique in courses and specializations such as César Carazo, Víctor Sordo, Izaskun Arruabarrena or David Azurza. She currently combines her professional facet as a singer and as a teacher at the Conservatory of Music Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
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