Artist Name

Angelus Apatrida

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4 Male

origin flag Albacete, La Mancha, Spain

flagThrash Metal



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3 users heart off Angelus Apatrida - You Are Next
3 users heart off Angelus Apatrida - Blast Off
3 users heart off Angelus Apatrida - Versus the World
3 users heart off Angelus Apatrida - Corruption
3 users heart off Angelus Apatrida - Thrash Attack

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Downfall of the Nation

Artist Biography
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Born in march 2000, Angelus Apatrida became in few years one of the most important spanish thrash metal bands. Many demos and band members passed through the history of Angelus Apatrida but it were in january 2003 when the band changed their attitude and image and decided to make a harder and faster music, nearer to that of bands like Pantera, Megadeth, Overkill, Anthrax or Annihilator.

The first album Evil Unleashed (Maldito Records, march 2006) made the band one of the biggest thrash metal acts in Spain, and the album one of the best debut albums in the spanish metal scene.

The band played in almost each spanish capital cities in a one-year tour, and other dates opening shows for bands like Sepultura, Barón Rojo, Warcry, Destruction, Horcas... and being part of many great rock festivals such as Viña Rock, Leyendas del Rock or Yeste Rock..

With their second album Give 'Em War (Mastertrax, september 2007) and a three-years tour, spanish press and fans considered the band the most important Thrash Metal spanish act and one of the most active and renowned in the spanish rock scene. Their last tour included many shows in the famous festivals Lorca Rock, Alternavigo, Milwookis, HardMetalFest, Bidache Metal or The Metalway Festival.

Actually, Angelus Apatrida is finishing the composing sessions and pre-producing their third album. By the way the band will tour in december 2009 with swedish metal act Arch Enemy in Spain and Portugal.
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Last Edit by smudgie
23rd Oct 2023

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