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Emerging from the darkness of Scandinavia comes one-woman black metal project Myrkur. Combining the rawness of second wave black metal bands like Ulver and Darkthrone with a natural sonic, ethereal beauty, Myrkur has created a wholly unique perspective on the genre. She elaborates "Nature is a big part of the reason black metal even exists. And all types of pure music that comes from a pure place. The word 'Myrkur' means 'darkness' in Icelandic. The place where there are no boundaries, where no one can hurt me. And when I have sung the screams it, physically hurts but it feels like something is leaving my body. I can't remember it afterwards."
Hailing from Denmark, MYRKUR signed to renowned independent label, Relapse Records, in 2014 and will release her eponymous debut EP this fall. With a distinct sense of Nordic isolation, Myrkur’s debut is a feminine yet definitively brutal record that has burst onto the scene like a Valkyrie into battle. "I always dreamed about becoming a Huldra, an elf girl, a Valkyrie, the goddess Freja. These powerful women in Norse Mythology have an element of beauty and mystique, but they are also deadly" Myrkur explains.
Shrouded in darkness and mystic elegance...this is black metal unlike anything that has been heard before.
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