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Album Description
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"Mareridt" is the second studio album by Myrkur, the black metal project of Danish musician and singer-songwriter Amalie Bruun. The album was released on 15 September 2017 through Relapse Records.
The album's title is Danish for 'nightmare', in reference to the frequent occurrences of sleep paralysis and nightmares which provided the inspiration for much of the album.
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User Album Review
The level of whinging that greeted Myrkur’s debut was comically over the top at its best and straight-up vitriolic at its worst. Accused of jumping into a scene she had no business meddling with, Amalie Bruun hardly reimagined the black metal template with 2015’s solid M, but the album certainly offered enough interesting left-turns and meandering sidesteps to earmark the Denmark native as an artist capable of something special.
Mareridt is an album that mostly leans closer to the earthy, gothic folk of Chelsea Wolfe than post-BM – indeed, Chelsea herself appears on the doomy_Funeral_, which interlocks both singers’ voices into a delirious incantation that could turn unicorn blood black. The Serpent is a menacing beast of a song that wraps Amalie’s singing in a layer of lumbering riffs and an almost suffocatingly thick layer of smoky production – a delightful foil for Crown, which could have been written by Lana Del Rey after becoming possessed by the Devil herself.
Whatever you know of Myrkur so far, know this: Mareridt is an album that demands your attention. Not since The Satanist has extreme metal presented a vision so ready to stride into metal’s wider consciousness. Amalie has created a portal into a world torn apart by light and darkness, and what is left might just be the finest metal album of 2017, and one of the greatest albums of recent times.
Reviewed by Merlin Alderslade for

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