Artist Name

On Thorns I Lay

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5 Male

origin flag Athens, Greece

flagDoom Metal



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4 users heart off On Thorns I Lay - Crystal Tears
4 users heart off On Thorns I Lay - My Angel
4 users heart off On Thorns I Lay - Eden
4 users heart off On Thorns I Lay - Obsession
4 users heart off On Thorns I Lay - Deep Thoughts

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On Thorns I Lay is a Greek death-doom metal and gothic metal band founded in Athens in 1992. The group has gone through different stylistic facets throughout its career, starting with brutal death metal in their early days, then transitioning to a blackened death doom symphonic style with their first EP, and later embracing atmospheric doom-death in their early albums and later gothic metal with their subsequent albums. On Thorns I Lay is among the bands of the first major gothic doom wave that systematized the principle of contrasting vocals known as the "beauty and the beast" style that became popular in the late 1990s. Towards the end of the first part of their career in the early 2000s, they shifted towards a more stripped-down and introspective rock-metal style. The band went on hiatus in 2006, for almost ten years. They reunited in 2015 and gradually returned to the doom-death style of their beginnings. They have released three albums since their reunion, and a new album is set to be released in October 2023. It is noteworthy that the group experienced a split in 2021-2022. Several of its members, including the singer, guitarist, and former drummer, left the band to reform their original band, Phlebotomy, thus reactivating a previous incarnation of the group under which they also released a record in 2023.
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Last Edit by smudgie
12th Oct 2023

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