Most Loved Tracks4 users
Circle of Contempt -
Color Lines
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Circle of Contempt -
Nothing Imminent
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Circle of Contempt -
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Circle of Contempt -
Artifacts in Motion
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Circle of Contempt -
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Circle of Contempt is a progressive metal act from Pori, Finland.
Finland, a place in what is usually known as a hotbed of breeding grounds for legendary folk and black metal acts, enter the progressive earth shattering,technical metal assaultknown as Circle of Contempt. Formed in 2006 originally under the moniker Thrust Moment; these Pori, Finland metalers; Riku Haavisto, Risto-MattiToivonen, Markus Karhumäki andJP Kaukonen got together and combined their intense passion for powerful progressive metal into one unstoppable unit. It wasn’t long before they startedpracticing many hours aday, six times a week in order to develop and perfect their unique, grandiose sound.
Although early on touring was impractical due to school, Circle of Contempt were still capable of building a strong fan base throughout Europe, andespecially Finland. Having playedonly a handful of “one-off” shows and a couple of mini-tours, it was decided that in the summer of 2008 they would record their first EP, “Color Lines”.Soon after completing ColorLines, the band’s management handed a copy off to Sumerian Records label founder Ash Avildsen, who made them an offer on the spot. Now fresh out ofHigh School, all members19 years of age; Circle of Contempt will begin recording their Sumerian Records debut in March of 2009, and will embark on a heavy worldwide touringregiment soon thereafter.
Only one word can adequately illustrate this Finnish four-piece known as Circle of Contempt , intense. The pulse pounding drum kicks and glass shatteringvocals assault the listenerwhile the unforgiving guitar licks and bass grooves pound the psyche into submission. At the same time the melodic interludes and harmonious melodiesbring a whole differentelement to the table that significantly compliments Circle of Contempt ‘s more abrasive side. Circle of Contempt have received excellent reviews fromnumerous metal media outletsand are quickly becoming one of the top metal bands in Finland, quickly to expand and conquer worldwide. And for good reason, every member has beenpassionate about musicsince childhood. Circle of Contempt crafts an artistic masterpiece through their persistent devotion to innovative music. So enter the Circle of Contempt, ifyou dare, but be warned;you will not come out the same.
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