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flag Irvine, California, USA

genre icon Post-Hardcore

style icon Rock/Pop



born icon 1998

calendar icon 1998 to Present...

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Current Record Label

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heart icon Most Loved Tracks
4 users heart off Thrice - Stare at the Sun
4 users heart off Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance
3 users heart off Thrice - Under a Killing Moon
3 users heart off Thrice - Silhouette
3 users heart off Thrice - All That's Left

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Stare at the Sun
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All That's Left
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Digital Sea
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Image of the Invisible

Artist Biography
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Thrice is an American rock band from Irvine, California, formed in 1998. The group was founded by guitarist/vocalist Dustin Kensrue and guitarist Teppei Teranishi while they were in high school.

Early in their career, the band was known for fast, hard music based in heavily distorted guitars, prominent lead guitar lines, and frequent changes in complex time signatures. This style is exemplified on their second album, The Illusion of Safety (2002) and their third album The Artist in the Ambulance (2003). Their fourth album Vheissu (2005) made significant changes by incorporating electronic beats, keyboards, and more experimental and nuanced songwriting. Their fifth effort was a double album entitled The Alchemy Index (2007/2008), released as two sets of two CDs that together make a 4-part, 24-song cycle. Each of the four 6-song EPs of the Alchemy Index features significantly different styles, based on different aspects of the band's musical aesthetic which reflect the elemental themes of fire, water, air and earth, both lyrically and musically. The band's sixth album, entitled Beggars, was released on August 11, 2009, and their seventh, Major/Minor on September 20, 2011. The most recent albums feature a refined combination of the band's different experiments and explorations.

Each album released by Thrice has had a portion of its sales proceeds donated to a new charitable organization.
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Last Edit by jackyboo
13th Mar 2023

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