Album Title

Machina Pensant

untitled tape pieces (2023)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 2023


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Release Format

Release Format Icon EP

Record Label Release

Speed Icon Shatterfoil Industries

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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As long as he has been producing music, Machina Pensant's main goal has been to improve and define his skillset as an artist, moving from ambient, to classic vapor, then towards more beat-centric styles of the genre. In recent years, he has been focusing on defining his original additions to previously (and currently, on occasion) sample-based work.

His signature sound is defined by its ability to pluck elements from many different styles while keeping itself cohesive. Smooth chords from synthwave influence, striking and hypnotic drum patterns earned from his earlier approaches to barber beats, and a willingness to explore his ideas at length when needed. All of these elements combined on his first fully original work, 'untitled tape pieces'.

Many different moods are explored throughout the relatively short experience, from the multifaceted movements and smooth percussion of "untitled 3" to the funkier sounds embodied in "untitled 5", that cross the line between dance-y and relaxing which Machina Pensant quickly found his groove in with further releases. Each track brings its own thoughts to the table and stands as a statement of progress in his development as an artist.

Even with this level of artistic variance on display, Machina Pensant manages to take hold of the album by the end to add an almost pensive note to the end on "untitled 6", working with distant vocal effects and some somber chords in order to send the release off with one final note. As both a piece of art and as a mission statement, we believe that 'untitled tape pieces' has stood the test of time.
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