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First Released

Calendar Icon 1982


Genre Icon OST


Mood Icon ---


Style Icon Musicals


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Release Format

Release Format Icon Soundtrack

Record Label Release

Speed Icon CBS Records Masterworks

World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
Available in:
The surprise hit of the 1982 season, Nine was a brilliant (and brilliantly executed) take-off on the unique universe of Italian film director Federico Fellini. Based on his 8½, about the mid-life crisis of a forty-year old Italian movie director suffering from a creativity block (Raul Julia surrounded by a dozen glamorous actresses), the book by Arthur Kopit actually borrowed numerous references from the filmmaker’s other movies to create a work “in the spirit of…” and a superlative tribute to his originality. Propelled by a surprisingly (by Broadway standards) imaginative and florid score by Maury Yeston, in Tommy Tune’s eloquently suggestive black and white direction, the show opened to rave reviews at the 46th Street Theatre on May 9, 1982, and easily won the Tony® for Best Musical, a confirmation of its success that translated into a total run of 729 performances."

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