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*** LOG ENTRY #04 ***
In my cartography mission to update the Sevii region's maps, Celio's old guide took me well south of カントー地方, further than I had expected.
Upon arrival, it appears seven of the islands in the archipelago have indeed been inhabited for years - by a colorful cast of characters mind you. They have been welcoming, but require routine assistance in some rather mundane tasks. I was happy to oblige to gain their favor.
The islands range in landscape. Some are tropical paradises. Others feature treacherous mountain ranges. A few have rapid currents that make exploration near impossible. There even exist abandoned ruins on some - of what purpose they served, I am not aware.
Folk around the fifth and sixth island have spread tales of two other locations - passed down from generation to generation. The creatures that inhabit these appear to be that of mythology - the silver and gold beings of ジョウト地方? Some sort of alien mutation? The islanders are convinced of their existence.
While I would be quick to brush off these stories... it appears Celio may have indeed missed something when laying out the original map. My explorations have indeed confirmed two land masses south of the sixth island and northwest of the fifth.
I chart my course to them tomorrow. If any of the legends told by the islanders are even remotely true, so help me アルセウス...
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