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Back Cover
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First Released

Calendar Icon 2019


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Release Format

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Record Label Release

Speed Icon DMT Tapes FL

World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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Not many people know this, but DMT Tapes FL was founded six months after I faced an inability to work or hold a regular job, due largely to the undiagnosed chronic pain condition that I have struggled with across my life. Until I am able to regain the healthcare I had as a child, I will likely never be in a body that allows me to reach my potential. I have forged a career for myself out of the digital music curation scene because I can set my own hours and allow my body to take it easy; it is a privilege to receive medical care in my country, but it should be a right.

This album is made in dedication to, and staunch advocacy for, the single-payer universal healthcare system as proposed by several legislators. More than half of Americans believe in this system and I believe it is outright violence to oppose healthcare as a human right to those who cannot afford. This is why Medicare for All is something I will always believe in: I will never be healthy until I have steady treatment and testing done, which I will never afford under this current system that stipulates the unemployed from ever receiving private coverage.
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