Album Title

Aesop Rock

Lice Two: Still Buggin' (2016)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Alternative Hip-Hop


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Aesop Rock and Homeboy Sandman are back together once more, to deliver a new strain of LICE to fans worldwide.

Both Aesop Rock and Homeboy Sandman are regarded as top tier lyricists, known for pushing the envelope of creativity in their writing, while covering a wide range of topics and moods. However, sometimes things are inherently simple. Take for example, the origin of the collaboration, born from a mutual appreciation for each other as artists which became fully realized when Aesop Rock invited Homeboy Sandman to join him on tour in 2015. Traveling the country together, they built a connection beyond the music, resulting in a friendship that led to recording a few songs together, and before they knew it, there was an infestation...Lice.

Initially released in 2016 as a free direct download, followed by an extremely limited vinyl pressing sold exclusively on tour, Aesop Rock and Homeboy Sandman's Lice Two: Still Buggin' is finally available to fans everywhere. The second in a series of EP releases, Lice Two: Still Buggin' featured production from Dan Hayden, Mondee, Aesop Rock, SoberMindedMusiC and Mono En Stereo. The original cover art was designed by renowned illustrator Jeremy Fish.
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