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Maisie Peters

The Good Witch (2023)

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The Good Witch is the second studio album by English singer-songwriter Maisie Peters. It was released on 23 June 2023 by Gingerbread Man Records and Asylum Records.

Peters took inspiration from Greek mythology whilst making the record and has described it as her "twisted version" of a break-up album. She wrote the album over the duration of a year whilst touring and has said that the chronological track listing is a reflection of her career highs and personal lows.

"This is my heart and soul, my blood on the page, the collection of stories that I've managed to capture in the past year. A true chronicle of my life in recent history. It ducks and weaves between the real and surreal, and centres my own universe, of which I am of course the keeper of the keys and the holder of the cards – the good witch, if you will. It goes from light to dark in the flip of a switch and I hope takes you on a journey whereby the end you feel like you've gotten lost in someone else's planet for a bit."

— Peters reflecting on creating The Good Witch, upon the album's announcement
Peters was hopeful that people would notice the maturity developed in her songwriting between The Good Witch and her debut album, You Signed Up for This (2021).

Peters was inspired by her earlier folk and singer-songwriter style of music during the production of the album. She was also inspired by the Greek mythology written from female perspectives. She said that the project acts as her "twisted version" of a break-up album with a loosely chronological track listing, with the songs exploring Peters "searching for balance between career highs and personal lows". When asked on why she chose the name The Good Witch, Peters responded: "when I was thinking about the themes within this album, which felt like there was a lot of words that also felt synonymous with good witch, I sort of like the power within the good witch and femininity, danger, it feels sort of threatening. It feels like an interesting way to describe one's self, especially as a young woman. I like the destruction it suggest and the power it gives." She hoped that the album would sit with listeners for a long time after its release, in the same way she felt Lorde's 2017 album Melodrama had done. Peters said that The Good Witch was not sonically similar to Melodrama, but hoped that she could replicate some of its cultural importance.

Promotion and release
Leading up to the album's release, Peters posted various tarot cards on her social media pages, each representing a track on the album. She explained that she wanted listeners to understand the meanings behind the songs, as well as see into the process of making them. Originally announced to be released on 16 June 2023, the release date was later pushed back a week, to 23 June 2023, with Peters apologising for the delay and joking that the album would work better as a cancer.
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