Album Title

Keith Jarrett

Paris Concert (1990)

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Track List
01) October 17, 1988
02) The Wind
03) Blues


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First Released

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Album Description
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Paris Concert is a live solo piano album by American pianist Keith Jarrett, recorded on October 17, 1988 at the Salle Pleyel in Paris and released by ECM Records in April 1990.
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User Album Review
A usually enthusiastic reviewer, Richard Lehnert at Stereophile states that "this is Jarrett's most satisfying solo outing since 1982's Concerts" and gave the album the "Recording of November 1990" award. As for the recording technique and results he states that:
"The gorgeously deep, lush recording is, of course, closely multi-miked, with perhaps even some added reverb. But producer Manfred Eicher does this sort of thing at least as well as did John Culshaw, and probably better than anyone working today. I have no complaints, even if the piano is 12' wide."

Despite a 4 out of 5 stars rating, a less enthusiastic Allmusic review by Richard S. Ginell states that "Jarrett pulls further away from the old rousing (and thoroughly American) gospel, blues and folk roots of earlier concerts toward a more abstract concept" and that "[his] virtuosic abilities are never in doubt, and he rarely flaunts his technique for its own sake, but one senses that the inspiration level is down; one doesn't come out of the CD all charged up as with many earlier solo concerts."

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