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Track List
01) Boys Like You


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First Released

Calendar Icon 2022


Genre Icon K-Pop


Mood Icon Carefree


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Release Format

Release Format Icon Single

Record Label Release

Speed Icon JYP Entertainment

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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"Boys Like You" is a song recorded by the South Korean girl group Itzy. It was released by JYP Entertainment and Republic Records on October 21, 2022. The song is the group's first English single and serves as a pre-release for the group's sixth EP Cheshire. "Boys Like You" is a pop song with punk elements composed by Didrik Thott, Sebastian Thott, Hayley Aitken and written by Didrik Thott, Hayley Aitken, Sara Davis, Ellie Suh (153/Joombas) and Juhee Lee (MUMW).
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User Album Review
ITZY have re-recorded many of their singles in English, but Boys Like You marks their first full foray into the Western market. We’re getting more and more of these English-language tracks from K-pop groups, and the most successful ones tend to be those that hew closest to the artist’s signature sound and strengths. I hate to see groups make musical concessions simply to appeal to a different market, even if I understand the logic behind the approach.

Boys Like You is teen pop with a capital “T.” It would fit as snugly on a Disney Channel album (which are often better than they have to be, btw) as it does within ITZY’s discography. But, the song succumbs to an all-too-familiar setback. Rather than leaning into the idiosyncratic touches that make excellent K-pop so rewarding, these “international” efforts tend to smooth over the quirks and deliver the blandest possible version of radio pop. Boys Like You is serviceable and even catchy at times, but its personality feels concocted within a boardroom.

On the plus side, it’s nice to hear a more melodically-focused ITZY single. The verses unfold over a stomping rock beat but offer a surprisingly delicate delivery that takes its time before launching into the obligatory sing-talk of the pre-chorus. The chorus is also melodic, though it’s marred by contrived lyrical content. Seriously, ITZY are cooler than this — even when they’re wearing their sneakers. As lean and punchy a pop track as Boys Like You may be, it’s hard to imagine the song converting any teen of any nationality into a hardcore fan – especially when convincingly confident tracks like Dalla Dalla and Wannabe exist. When it comes down to it, the music goes in one ear and out the other – a pitstop on the way to (hopefully) more satisfying fare.

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