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Dropkick Murphys

Turn Up That Dial (2021)

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Turn Up That Dial is the tenth studio album by American band Dropkick Murphys and was released on April 30, 2021, on the band's Born & Bred Records label. It is the band's first studio album in four years since 2017's 11 Short Stories of Pain & Glory.The album was preceded by the singles and music videos for "Smash Shit Up", "Mick Jones Nicked My Pudding", "I Wish You Were Here", "Middle Finger" and Queen of Suffolk County.

Co-lead vocalist Ken Casey explained the album by saying, "On this record, the overall theme is the importance of music, and the bands that made us who we are. We just hope takes people's minds off their troubles. We're so fortunate and grateful to be in the position to share a little happiness in our own way. Our gratitude levels are off the chart. If there's a message to this album, it's, 'Put your fist up and play it loud.' We've all done plenty of lamenting, so the main goal was to keep this fun. The darker the times got, the harder we fought to uplift with this music."

Casey said that the previous album, 11 Short Stories of Pain & Glory "came from a darker place and with the new album we wanted to bounce back. Inspiration automatically kicked us in the opposite direction. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and things were so down, more than ever, we thought, nobody wants to hear an album about how bad 2020 was in 2021. For the most part, it's onward and upward and let's get out of this thing and have some anthems." "Chosen Few" addresses former President Trump's response to the pandemic while "I Wish You Were Here" is a ballad about the death of Al Barr's father. "I could write 37 (expletive) albums about how much I hate (Trump), but he dominated the news for four years, he wasn't going to dominate our record," Casey said. "And the song about Al's dad, well, it's an 11-song album and we thought, 'Here are the 10 songs to put a smile on your face. ... Then we stop and take a moment to acknowledge Al's dad and acknowledge 500,000 plus people lost."
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