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Dirty Honey
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Dirty Honey’s debut LP.

The band had planned to record it with producer Nick DiDia (who produced there EP) in Australia, but they had to change plans because of Covid-19. Rather than find a new producer, the band recorded at Henson Studios in Los Angeles, with DiDia joining the sessions virtually.

“I have to say, it was a rather uninspiring time to be making a record,” says the lead singer Marc LaBelle. “You’re trying to write songs about relationships or the state of the world, but you haven’t really experienced anything like that in so long. I consciously tried to stay away from writing about the pandemic, I just didn’t think that anybody would want to be reminded of it when this was all over. It’s tough when you’re not living a life to write about life.”

But despite the difficulty, the bassist Justin Smolian and the dummer Corey Coverstone stated that because of the pandemic, they had more time to rehearse and got tighter as a band, being able to workshop the songs a lot more.

All of the four band members are determined to better themselves going forward. “I also wanted to extend the artistic statement that we’ve already made,” says the guitarist John Notto. “We weren’t looking to sound different, or prove our growth, necessarily. It was more about, ‘Oh, you thought that was good? Hold my beer.’”
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