Album Title

The Wildhearts

Red Light-Green Light EP (1996)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Rock


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Album Description
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Red Light-Green Light was the last in a long line of four-track EPs released by the hapless Wildhearts, arguably England's most publicized and tragic rock & roll sideshow since the Sex Pistols' gloriously decadent run 20 years earlier. Indeed, after weathering more hardships (many self-imposed, it must be said) in the previous four topsy-turvy years than most bands endure in decade-long careers, Ginger and company were running out of great escapes; and though they claimed otherwise at the time, being dropped by label Eastwest later that year would effectively seal their fate. As for Red Light-Green Light, after disposing of the rather uninspired title track and its equally turgid follow-up, "Got It on Tuesday," the group delivers another top-notch performance with the escalating, orchestrated guitar nuances of the epic "Do Anything" -- a Wildhearts classic through and through, which soon explodes into a driving hard rocker while never forgoing its bouncy chorus. Sadly, this is the only truly gripping moment here, as cheeky closer "The British All-American Home Boy Crowd" squanders any trace of inspiration on its title and represents a pretty ignominious finale to a very productive and always colorful run.
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