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Back Cover
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CD Art
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3D Case
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3D Thumb
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3D Flat
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3D Face
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3D Spine
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First Released

Calendar Icon 2021


Genre Icon Folk


Mood Icon Good Natured


Style Icon Folk


Theme Icon ---


Speed Icon Medium

Release Format

Release Format Icon Live

Record Label Release

Speed Icon Columbia

World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
Available in:
Klara and Johanna, longtime fans and greatly inspired by Leonard Cohen, were deeply saddened by his passing in November of 2016. At the time, First Aid Kit shared: "… If you ever put a guitar in our hands and ask us to sing, we will always play ‘Suzanne.’ When we heard it for the first time we were transfixed. ‘How does one do that?’ we thought. ‘How does one write like that?’ One doesn't, we suppose, only Leonard Cohen does… In the midst of this deep sadness, we are so intensely grateful... has been a guiding light for us for these past ten years since we started making music, both a consolation and an arrow pointing at where to strive…”
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User Album Review
Klara and Johanna, longtime fans and greatly inspired by Leonard Cohen, were deeply saddened by his passing in November of 2016. At the time, First Aid Kit shared: "… If you ever put a guitar in our hands and ask us to sing, we will always play ‘Suzanne.’ When we heard it for the first time we were transfixed. ‘How does one do that?’ we thought. ‘How does one write like that?’ One doesn't, we suppose, only Leonard Cohen does… In the midst of this deep sadness, we are so intensely grateful... [His art] has been a guiding light for us for these past ten years since we started making music, both a consolation and an arrow pointing at where to strive…”

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