Album Title

Jean Michel Jarre

Equinoxe Infinity (2018)

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"Equinoxe Infinity" is the twentieth studio album by French musician and composer Jean-Michel Jarre, released on 16 November 2018 by Columbia Records. It is the sequel to his fourth studio release, Équinoxe (1978), released forty years prior.

Jarre for this album used both analog and digital instruments. At first he was going to use the analog instruments that he used in Équinoxe, but then he refused "because if I was once again the young guy I was when i Began that LP 40 years ago, I would use the instruments available today." Among the instruments he used was the prototype of a small synthesizer that Jarre discovered on Kickstarter called the granular GR-1 made by the company Tasty Chips Electronics. This instrument was used to process a child's voice giving him a surreal and technological look on the track "If the Wind Could Speak (movement 5)". Jarre explained that he intentionally shortened it to make a link to "Band In The Rain" (from Équinoxe Part 8) from the 1978 album.

Jean-Michel asked an artist from Prague named Filip Hodas to make two covers based on Michel Granger's design, Le trac for the original álbum, one in green and blue to symbolize a peaceful and harmonious future, and another that reflects a more apocalyptic and dystopian world. "The album is the soundtrack to both these futures, with some parts sounding more uplifting and poppy and others more dark."

Aaron Badgley of Spill Magazine wrote that "Jarre does on this record that makes it so great, is develop a somewhat retro sound. This is electronic music from the '70s, with a bit of today's technology thrown in for good measure, and it adds to the album overall."
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