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“Black Anima”, nuovo album dei Lacuna Coil trainati come sempre dall’angelica leggiadria di Cristina Scabbia, contrapposta però ora ad un’anima più diabolica a livello strumentale, con un Andrea Ferro sempre più coinvolto nel delicato ruolo di equilibratore tra le due fazioni. Riprendendo là dove “Delirium” ci aveva lasciato, il nono album della Spirale Vuota riesce ad alzare ancora più il tiro, catalizzando in energia pentagrammata tutte le vicende negative che hanno colpito negli ultimi anni il trio Scabbia-Ferro-Coti Zelati, ormai cementato in un blocco granitico reso sempre più spesso dal passare degli anni.
User Album Review
Throughout ‘Black Anima,’ Lacuna Coil demonstrate their uncanny ability to masterfully harness core ingredients while pushing at the boundaries. Blending Gothic with groove, melody with brutality, the simple and the refined, the final result is richly textured and layered. Best recognized in quintessential songs such as the leading single “Layers Of Time” and single-worthy “Save Me”, as well as “Under The Surface,” which easily stand among the bands best work to date. Throughout, the characteristically juxtaposed vocals of Cristina Scabbia and Andrea Ferro dynamically guide fans through this fresh, intense Lacuna Coil sound, carved out by bassist Marco Coti Zelati, who brilliantly produced this impressive batch of songs.
Nothing can stand still. It either grows or dies. ‘Black Anima’ sees Lacuna Coil growing as a band, looking at the less desirable, yet all too real side of the human condition. A warts and all exploration of that which lives just under the surface. Rather than grabbing metal by the scruff and shaking it, ‘Black Anima’ is steeped in a love of the genre, subtly suggesting some new pastures for growth. Which is where Lacuna Coil have always lived, setting trends rather than slavishly following them. Epic, intimate, and luxuriant, ‘Black Anima’ is a tour de force. Making metal wiser and richer for it.
Reviewed by Carl O'Rourke for
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