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"The Age of Entitlement" is the third full length studio album from English thrash metal band, Acid Reign, released 27th September 2019 on the Dissonance Productions label.
The Age of Entitlement is the first studio album to be released by the band in 29 years, since The Fear in 1989.
User Album Review
Following the intro ‘T.A.O.E’ which certainly gets the blood pumping, the album flies off at break neck speed as ‘The New Low’ blasts into life and tests the resolve of the inner ear as the choppy guitars begin to slice away at you matched by the rapid fire drums and the spitting of the vocal, creating a wonderous ’Old School Trash’ sound whilst creating an uplifting chorus, that if you have the breath for, can sing along to before going back to speedy head banging.
We already know by now that this album is going to test your stamina as the pace continues to be quick and it makes you just want to be in a circle pit going utterly crazy.
‘Blood Makes Noise’ marks the half way point of the album but does not provide any kind of let up, as the veterans churn out top drawer Thrash hit after hit that. This is 45 minutes, spread over 10 songs of high octane belters.
Unlike some Thrash albums that get quite repetitive, The Age of Entitlement doe not suffer the same issues as the songs are catchy and great to listen to at any time. This is not an album with limited spins, this will be on enjoyed for years and certainly a triumphant return as they have done exactly what al bands should do. Create something that people search out their opportunity to hear the material live.
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