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"The Liberation" is the third full-length studio album by the German metal band Disillusion. It was released on the 6th September 2019 on the Prophecy Productions label.
User Album Review
The whole album is diverse, infectious and compelling, but the two songs that really stand out to me are "Wintertide" and "The Mountain". "Wintertide", the opening full track and single, acts as a singular demonstration of the new-look Disillusion sound right off the bat, effectively employing an array of melodic approaches throughout a diverse yet circular song, including delicate acoustic guitars, epic clean vocal choruses, melodeath riffing, luscious soloing, and patient development of motifs, particularly during a 3-minute section midway through the song. Despite the number of changes in approach throughout the song, each transitions feels natural, and as such the 12 minutes fly by. On the flip side, "The Mountain", again 12 minutes in length, appears to be a somewhat divisive song based on comments I've read. The first half, if anything, possesses a slight Vulture Industries/Arcturus feel. This then gives way to a trumpet(?) section that evokes The Gathering's "Heroes For Ghosts", and a varied second half occasionally punctuated by rich clean vocals that really embody that epic Nordic vibe I mentioned earlier. "The Mountain" is new territory for a band with a history of reinvention, and a delightful ending to a surprisingly excellent comeback.
When a band releases two wildly different albums in 3 years and then disappears for over a decade, it's hard to know what to expect of their comeback. Just something good and interesting would have sufficed; instead, Disillusion have reworked their sound, and in doing so released one of the highlights of 2019 so far.
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