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Track List
01) Sectarian Flame icon
02) Orison
03) Lucidity
04) Opal
05) Jinn
06) Sister
07) Stray
08) Paragon
09) God's Acre

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Album Description
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"Lykaia" is the third full length studio album by the progressive metal/rock band Soen, released on 3rd February 2017 on the UDP label.
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User Album Review
‘Lykaia’ begins with the powerful and heavy “Sectarian” and the sound and approach of the album as a whole is established from the very first notes. Soen are not a flashy prog metal band in the likes of Dream Theater or others, but are more focused on solid song writing and letting the small, but vital, intricacies move the music forward and progress into a cohesive whole. The style is in part reminiscent of the less extreme, but still metal, passages of early Opeth, which is not at all to suggest they’re copying that sound, but the vibe is certainly similar. To heighten the similarity, vocalist Joel Ekelöf sounds uncannily like Mikael Åkerfeldt throughout. Obviously what his voice sounds like compared to someone else’s isn’t his fault, but the similarities must be mentioned regardless, and most importantly the vocals are very strong through the whole album.
‘Lykaia’ continues through its 51 minute running time to ooze quality and craftsmanship, with each song being a well constructed world unto itself, whose only interest is to follow the creative muse, and do what the song requires. The perfect example of this is the forth song, and by far my favorite, “Opal” which runs about 7 minutes. Short by prog standards, but the guitar work of Marcus Jidell, and the bass of Stefan Stenberg fuse perfectly with the light touch and flavor of Lopez’s drumming. This perfect marriage and timing of Lopez is highlighted at the 3:50 mark when the song builds, and over the top he plays a simple cymbal or bell pattern which raises the intensity and togetherness of the song to another level. Though seemingly minor it is absolutely sublime, and a moment I anticipate and am rewarded by with each listen. It’s a small thing, a small touch, one which many might not think anything of, but I believe quality art is made of small details that stick with the listener or viewer, even if missed or ignored by others. And this album is quality art.
Reviewed by Jonathon Rose for

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