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Mark Ronson

Late Night Feelings (2019)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 2019


Genre Icon Pop-Rock


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Style Icon Clubbing


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"Late Night Feelings" is the fifth studio album by British producer Mark Ronson. It was released on 21 June 2019 through RCA / Sony.
The fifth full-length solo studio release for the British producer features guest appearances from Camila Cabello, Miley Cyrus, Diana Gordon, Ilsey, Alicia Keys, King Princess, The Last Artful, Dodgr, Lykke Li, Angel Olsen, and YEBBA.
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User Album Review
‘Late Night Feelings’ does exactly what it says on the tin, as it elicits reminiscent feelings of past affairs and heartbreaks over the course of the album. Simply lie back, dim the lights and listen alone, as a sense of longing shrouds you in a haze, and memories of lost loves lazily float to the surface.
Aptly described as a collection of “sad bangers”, the project is a series of lyrically heart-wrenching tunes backed with powerful beats and complex guitars, plus a touch of Mark Ronson’s infamously eclectic mix of sounds and effects.
‘Late Night Prelude’ ripples fancifully with a menagerie of far-flung strings into title track ‘Late Night Feelings’ with Lykke Li, the already much-loved groovy number, comprising of steel drums, pan-pipes and funky bass. ‘Find U Again’ introduces Camila Cabello for an oozing, cheese pop number. ‘Pieces of Us’ is a woozy tale of subtle limerence backed by distant, ethereal synths as King Princess croons, “All of my love, swing and a miss when we talk”.
Featuring artists spanning across genres, and having colossal megastars such as Miley Cyrus and Alicia Keys stand alongside some of the most promising upcoming talent around, is reason enough to love this album. Ronson’s ability to tap into each artist’s strengths and dig out their particular prowess allows each voice to shine through and own each individual track.
This is what elevates the record to a guaranteed award winner and a truly empowering listen.
Reviewed by Yasmin Cowan for

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