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Born of Osiris

The Simulation (2019)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Metal


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Sumerian Records

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"The Simulation" is the fifth studio album by American progressive metalcore band Born of Osiris, released on 11 January 2019 through Sumerian Records. It is the first of two Born of Osiris albums planned for release in 2019.
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User Album Review
Born of Osiris have hit that mark in that each track on this album offers something a little different to the listener – whether it’s seamless vocal melodies, brutal musical intensity or technical instrumental proficiency – it’s all here and with a fairly short running time compared to the band’s previous records, it’s not going to take you as long to find something in ‘The Simulation’ that you’ll be able to enjoy or to find something that you find is able to get its hooks into you. The talent as individual musicians as well as being an artistic collaborative force is to be able to strike listeners with some sort of musical spark that allows them to remember as much of your output as a band as you possibly can.
Born of Osiris’ new effort seems to have found a good middle point between two musical opposites. Every track follows a core sound that defines the record while at the same time standing out on its own, offering the listener a totally unique experience that allows Born of Osiris’ fanbase to enjoy the album as a whole while still being able to pick out a particular track as being their favourite. In a genre that produces so many bands as this, being able to accomplish that feat is much more difficult than it can first seem.
Reviewed by Jack Toresen for

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