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As Time Turns To Dust (2018)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Gothic Metal


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Style Icon Metal


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Speed Icon Scarlet Records

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"As Time Turns to Dust" is the fourth full length studio album from French symphonic metal band Whyzdom, released 6th April 2018 on the Scarlet Records label.
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User Album Review
The symphonic metal band brings out it’s fourth studio album “As Time Turns to Dust”. After going through several vocalists, the band was joined by Marie Rouyer in early 2013. “Armour of Dust” begins the album with a nice symphonic sound. The choir giving a nice background vocal to the overall sound. Marie’s voice cuts through like a knife filling the speakers with her beautiful sound. The song picks up with heavy riffs, still melodic but interwoven nicely. Overall a strong song to start the album out and show you what the band has in store for the next nine tracks.
The album wraps up with “Dust We Are”. At this point there hasn’t been a bad song on the album. This one doesn’t disappoint either. It comes out strong with nice vocals and heavy guitar riffs. This song is more of a straight up metal song leaving the orchestra to the sideline more than other songs. However, the song still has a weight to it that makes it feel like they used every instrument they could to produce a great sound. I thoroughly enjoyed this album from WHYZDOM. It makes me want to go back and listen to their earlier works. The orchestra backing the band makes the songs full and richer. The vocals are at times almost operatic in their delivery. That may throw some people off, but if you enjoy symphonic metal you should give this band a listen.
Reviewed by Bradley Karr for

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