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All I See Is War (2018)

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Genre Icon Hard Rock


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Album Description
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All I See Is War is the twelfth studio album by Sevendust. It was released on May 11, 2018. Three songs were showcased from the album ahead of its full release; the first single, "Dirty", along with two other promotional songs, "Not Original", and "Medicated". "Unforgiven" and "Risen" followed as further singles.
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User Album Review
The dexterous quintet- Lajon Witherspoon (lead vocals), Clint Lowery (lead guitar, backing vocals), John Connolly (rhythm guitar, backing vocals), Vince Hornsby (bass), and Morgan Rose (drums, backing vocals)- have been making their mark on the music industry since 1994. Despite having eleven other releases under their belts, including a successful self-produced and crowdfunded acoustic album, Sevendust has long been heralded as one of the most underrated bands in Metal music. Now, following their 2015 album Kill The Flaw, the band’s newest offering offers a classic Sevendust sound that fans have come to know and love while delivering a few new twists and turns along the way.
“Medicated” was released as the first single from All I See Is War, and its sweeping chords and punchy drum rhythms give it soul and character. There is something dramatic and emotional about this song that is reminiscent of the band’s work on their 2010 release Cold Day Memory, which also carried very emotionally and instrumentally heavy songs. The intense and invigorating string work on “Sickness” reads familiar as the same kind of theatrics and flair used on 2005’s Next, specifically on the song “Ugly.” The song boasts a similarly stirring composition and breakdown as its predecessor, as well as the hallmarks of classic Sevendust offerings.
As the album winds down, the listener is guided into “Descent” with its darker overtures and syncopated beats. The song ebbs and swells with an overt and aggressive bass from Hornsby that joins forces with Rose’s drums to create a powerhouse core that drives through the entire song.
The band made their bones on being malleable and almost unpinnable. While many bands easily fit into a single niche, Sevendust has long defied singular definition. Are they Metal? Are they Hard Rock? Are they actually considered Nu-Metal or Alternative? Whatever you call them, don’t call them lazy. Like a fine wine, Sevendust seems to just be getting better with age, and All I See Is War is their latest gift to the world.
Reviewed by Patricia Jones for

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