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"Testimonium" is the thirteeth studio album of gothic duo, Lacrimosa , released on 25. August 2017 on the Hall of Sermon label.
User Album Review
The masters of dark symphonic music are back. Lacrimosa album number 13 holds a strong name, Testimonium, and it's nothing strange because the charismatic leader of Lacrimosa,Tilo Wolff, dedicated this album to the great artists who died in 2016 and gave him inspiration and sort of guidance in what he's doing on his artistical path. Testimonium is a requien in four acts in memory of David Bowie, Glen Frey (Eagles), Colin Verncomb aka Black, George Martin (The Beatles), Prince, Leonard Cohen, George Michael, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds.
Testimonium in its four acts offers such a very dynamic sound and varied song structures, with each song brings diversities that you wouldn't imagine. Tilo is an artist of gothic symphonic music par exelence, one of the best composers of our time and being active with Lacrimosa for 27 years he made a real history of dark music of its own kind. Testimonium is another proof of his exelency, he can exceptionally well mix many different styles into one of a kind amalgam of dark melancholic music with unbeliveable twists. At one point we are drowned into a powerful crushing gothic symphonic metal, then there's a bit doom, some dark folk segments, and right after that the listener can enjoy in balladic piece with masterfully implemented classical orchestrations in it. Testimonium is one of the strongest albums in Lacrimosa discography, it has songs that could be enjoyed in your very own solitude with headphones on, as well songs that can work amazingly when played live, and I believe that some of these might become timeless classics on their already large repertoire of evergreen dark music hits.
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