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"Hegemony" is the tenth studio album from the heavy Industrial Metal band Samael, released on 13th October 2017 on the Napalm Records label.
User Album Review
Those that are familiar with Samael will know exactly what they are getting musically with Hegemony. Frontman Vorph’s grizzled vocals still form an integral piece of the Samael puzzle, but it’s the interplay between Vorph and Makro on guitar that provide the real brunt of the musical delivery, and this pairing is a true testament to the statement that ‘if it isn’t broke, then don’t fix it’. While the guitar work plays on some interesting ideas, particularly in tracks like Red Planet and Dictate of Transparency, it’s the band’s use of symphonic elements which really make Hegemony stand as a firm piece of their discography.
Overall this is a good album, but it does fall just short of becoming a great album. While it initially seemed that it was going to be more of the same on subsequent listens, there was enough to discover each time that kept it engaging over multiple listens. While older fans of the band might find this to be very similar to previous releases, Hegemony is still a great step forward for Samael and is definitely an album that is deserving of heralding in the third decade of the band’s existence.
reviewed by Jake Patton for
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