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Madder Mortem
Artist Icon Red in Tooth and Claw (2016)
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Genre Icon Progressive Metal


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"Red In Tooth And Claw" is the sixth full length studio album by Norwegian progressive metal band Madder Mortem, released on October 28, 2016, on Dark Essence Records.
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User Album Review
Madder Mortem have always benefited from great production quality, and Red in Tooth and Claw is no exception. Everything is crisp and clear, with the excellent basswork in particular allowed room to shine through. The guitar sound is the thickest they have achieved for a long time, adding weight to the heavy sections but reigning in some of the raw aggression I loved on prior records. Thanks are due to the mastering engineer for not brickwalling this; still, an even wider dynamic range would have given some of the longer builds and transitions an even greater impact. My only other minor quibble is the lack of progression from previous releases. Though they’ve honed their writing over time, their style has remained relatively static since 2002’s Deadlands. Their music is so varied and their songs so good that this is barely an issue compared to most other bands, but despite loving this album, it never really surprised me. I want surprises from my prog.
Red in Tooth and Claw is a fantastic return after their six year pause. Those in the know will already have snapped this baby up, but if you are new to the band, it should go straight to the top of your shopping list. Madder Mortem have the potential to appeal to fans of anyone from Muse to Meshuggah, and if there is any justice in the world, Red in Tooth and Claw will see them take their rightful seat at the table of prog-metal royalty. --- Reviewed by

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