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Track List
01) Utopia Flame icon
02) Deny Flame icon
03) Shame
04) Hierophant Flame icon
05) Worn
06) Manna
07) Hem

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First Released

Calendar Icon 2017


Genre Icon Doom Metal


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Speed Icon Medium

Release Format

Release Format Icon Album

Record Label Release

Speed Icon Relapse Records

World Sales Figure

Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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"Created in the Image of Suffering" is the debut full length studio album from Californian doom metal band King Woman, released February 24th, 2017 through Relapse Records.
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User Album Review
Created in the Image of Suffering further amps up the band's sound from the start, with "Utopia" taking the band into stoner doom territory with a monstrous riff underwriting double-tracked vocals, now more discernible yet no less ethereal and haunting (the press release accurately describes the new sound as a "Black Sabbath fronted by Mazzy Star"). "Deny" dials back the visceral intensity for a funereal take on doom rock, while on "Hierophant" Esfandiari drops the catatonic, mumbled vocals for a more expressively exhortative lament. The band's finest hour thus far.
The remainder of the album never gets as brazenly metallica as "Utopia", but is all the more well-rounded for the moodily consistent sense of musical variation. "Worn" and "Hem" both build to heavy climaxes, but from the starting points of woozy folk and spacey psychedelia, respectively. In spite of the expansive breadth of influences abounding on Created in the Image of Suffering, the overall tone is enough of a piece that the album's brevity actually works heavily in its favor, even as one gets the sense that this is a band that you can't get enough of hearing.
An impressive debut by a group that has admirably hewn their own path to get here.

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