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The Night Flight Orchestra

Amber Galactic (2017)

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First Released

Calendar Icon 2017


Genre Icon Classic Rock


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Release Format

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Record Label Release

Speed Icon Nuclear Blast

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Sales Icon 0 copies

Album Description
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Amber Galactic is the third studio album by Swedish rock band The Night Flight Orchestra, released on 19 May 2017 via Nuclear Blast. It was recorded at Handsome Hard Studios, Kävlinge, Sweden and Nordic Sound Lab, Skara, Sweden in 2016. Additional recordings were done at Studio Valborg, Studio Rymdberg, Speedstrid Studios and on a tour bus close to the Austrian border.

In May 2017, Amber Galactic was awarded album of the month by the publications Rock Hard, Rock Hard France, Sweden Rock, and United Rock Nations. Sentinel Daily called it "definite album of the year material", while Metal Hammer described its sound as "AOR and classical rock between a hail of mirror balls and swinging hooks!" Radio Metal wrote: "Prepare yourself a nice little sparkling bath, pour a glass of champagne and let yourself be embarked on a journey made of odes to intergalactic hostesses, and sing without restraint. Sometimes pleasure is no more complicated than that."

In December 2017, Amber Galactic was nominated for a Swedish Grammy Award in the category Best rock/Metal.
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User Album Review
The record moves along at a natural pace, shifting between more articulated pieces and hummable rockers. Going along well with its spacey aesthetic, the final quarter of the record dives more into prog rock territory, especially dramatic closing number “Saturn In Velvet”. Fear not though, the album deftly avoids pretentious song lengths and instrumental breakaways without purpose, segueing them instead for riffs and keyboard parts that matter. There is no filler to speak of and while this record isn’t so accessible that it’s cut and dry, the word “listenable” describes it best. There are still instrumental journeys to be found, though no Steve Perry can be heard, ironically. However, Bjorn Strid has all the vocal tricks and heart to bring to mind a legendary rock wailer. P.S. More falsetto, Strid. Please. Don’t ever stop.
If you’re in the minority that is disappointed that The Night Flight Orchestra isn’t an orchestra at all, look past that simple misconception. You’ll be rewarded with a subtly tongue-in-cheek, well-executed classic rock/prog-influenced extravaganza. ---

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