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Diana Krall

Turn Up The Quiet (2017)

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Genre Icon Jazz


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Speed Icon Verve

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Album Description
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"Turn Up the Quiet" is the thirteenth studio album by Canadian singer Diana Krall, released on May 05, 2017 by Verve Records.
Turn Up the Quiet finds the pianist/singer returning to well-known standards from the Great American Songbook. Reuniting with producer Tommy LiPuma for the first time since 2009's bossa nova-inspired Quiet Nights.
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User Album Review
Familiarity is a fundamental draw of a standards album. In fact, it's a big part of the point. By including songs as well-known as “Night and Day” and “L-O-V-E” on Turn Up the Quiet, her first true standards album since 2009's Quiet Nights, Diana Krall allows listeners to lean into words and melodies they already know by heart, and to relish the unique phrasing and specific energy she brings to tried-and-true material.
Turn Up the Quiet could almost be considered a loose concept album, and not just because it's a back-to-basics move. Krall has chosen to focus on material that's soft, intimate, and romantic—nothing too hot and almost nothing upbeat, though even on ballads she and her band can work up a swing. These are songs you'd play in the background during a romantic dinner for two.

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