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Woe to the Vanquished (2017)

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First Released

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Genre Icon Metal


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Style Icon Rock/Pop


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Speed Icon Napalm Records

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Album Description
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"Woe to the Vanquished" is the fifth studio album by the American thrash metal band Warbringer, released March 31, 2017 on the Napalm label.
It is the band's first album for Napalm Records, and the first to feature guitarist Chase Becker and bassist Jessie Sanchez. The album also marks the return of guitarist Adam Carroll, who last played on 2011's Worlds Torn Asunder.
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User Album Review
Thrash albums are plentiful these days and it seems that there isn’t much that hasn’t been covered by the genre. That’s what makes it all the more important when a band tries to do something differently and California thrashers Warbringer’s upcoming album ‘Woe to the Vanquished’ is one such album.
While all of the songs weave an interesting piece of the albums tapestry, they are all unique in their own right and tell a stand alone story. While I have no doubt that this album was intended to be experienced from start to finish, I found that listening to songs piecemeal didn’t detract from the experience at all. This effect only heightened my appreciation for the album because although lyrically, all of these songs feel intertwined, yet the songs can be listened to on their own and still convey a story.
'Woe to the Vanquished' creates a sound that is quite refreshing in a genre which has become diluted over the years, and Warbringer has really set themselves out from the crowd with this album which is a must have for any thrash metal fan. ----

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